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Map and Directions from:
Saratoga--Monte Sereno--Los
Gatos--Almaden Valley
Follow the map to
either Winchester Blvd. or Quito Road:
From Quito Road (Southern Extension
of Lawrence Expressway):
Turn at the Signal (only one
way to turn) East on to Pollard Road
Continue down Pollard a
couple of miles (past the school and Safeway) until you see the first and only) two story
commercial building on your left--825 Pollard Road. My office is in that
building. If you get to Los Gatos Community Hospital, you have gone one building too
Turn left (North) into the
parking lot. There is an elevator in the rear off the parking lot. Suite 200 is
upstairs in front
Enter the waiting room,
push the button next to my
name, and
at approximately the beginning
of the hour, I will come out to take you back to my office
From Winchester Boulevard (Northern
Extension of Santa Cruz Avenue):
Proceeding toward Campbell
(North) on Winchester, keep your eye out for the Vasona Shopping Center on the left (West)
side of the street, get in the left lane to turn left just before it then
Turn left (West) at Knowles
and proceed for a few more blocks
At the Los Gatos Community
Hospital (right side of street), Knowles becomes Pollard
825 Pollard Road is the first
and only commercial building on the same side of the street as the hospital.
Turn right (North) into the
parking lot. There is an elevator in the rear off the parking lot.
Suite 200 is upstairs in