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From: Mary-deevamf@yahoo.com
I am 23 years old, and have recently been diagnosed with vaso vagal syncope. I began passing out at the age of six, and since then have done so roughly fifteen times. After every episode, I was taken for medical attention within hours. Every time, I was told that there was nothing wrong with me. Aside from some basic blood work, no other tests were peformed. The only common thread between these spells was that I was standing for periods of time when each occured. For example, I was waiting in line, taking a tour, etc. About eleven months ago, I passed out leaving a resteraunt and did a lot of damage. Since I am 5'10, I fell to the ground with a lot of force (I believe I had on three inch heals as well, not a good choice). I broke my jaw in three places, shattered three teeth, and have eleven more fractures, not to mention the nasty scar I put on my chin from where I cut it open. During my hospital stay, I was given a tilt test and went out after only four minutes. Since then I have been on Toprol, which I hate. I am posting this to ask if there are any other cases where the fainting spells were not brought on by nervousness (i.e. the sight of blood). I have never had a problem at the doctor or such. I also have developed an anxiety problem over the last two years that I am still dealing with. I am too nervous to take medication for it. Has anyone else had problems similar to mine, and if so, how have they dealt with it? Please email me...deevamf@yahoo.com