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From: Shelly
I am now 69 and recently underwent an angiogram to relieve a minor vessel's 90% blockage.The proceedure did not work and the vessel became 100% blocked. I was OK until after the Dr. stopped his work and was telling me what happened. I became faint while laying on the operating table and almost fainted. This happened 4 weeks ago and I have had angina pain each day but I am even more uncomfortable from the almost constant nausea and dizzyness from Vaso vagal symptoms. This is very unusual for me becuase in the recent past . rarely had symptom nd when I did they would be breif and much more mild. I am convinced that the Angina control medication which lowers blood pressure, opens vessels, reduces heart rate are all the triggers for the VV Syncope. I am taking Imdur 30mg/Lopressor 25 mg/Ecotrin 325 mg/ Plavix 75 mg/Lippitor 20 mg Any suggestions?