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From: Sue H.
Date: 5/31/01
Time: 6:46:55 PM
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My daughter was 7 at the time she started this strange problem. Just fainted and had small seizure like episode for approx. 10 seconds, felt like hours. She had had diarreha the day before and stomach cramps for a bit before. Took her to E.R. tested every test in book and then some. Finally a neurologist at the Michigan Institute for Neurological Disorders told us Vaso vagal and to learn to cope. Not much help but he said there wasn't much he could do to help her. She does this only about once to twice a year mostly close together. She is 10 now. Scares the life out of me. Recently she fainted in the dr.s office after a shot that she had been afraid of. First time there had been a reason. She has low blood pressure , that day it was 100/61 she is almost five foot tall and weighs about 70 pounds. She has been told to drink lots of fluids, use salt and try to learn when its coming on. Isn't there anything else. I am afraid to let her out of my sight, much less act like a normal 10 year old. She is extremely bright tested gifted and talented, very pretty, very wonderful child. I sure could use help.