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From: jayne Baraga
Date: 5/15/01
Time: 10:02:28 AM
Remote Name:
I would like to know as much as there is to know on this subject. I have had a "vagal response" on four different occasions. The first time, I had a belly-button piercing and passed out and felt very physically drained for two days after the incident. The second, I passed out after having had a colposcopy procedure at the doctors office. My blood pressure had dropped so low, that they hooked me up to a pulsox, and EKG. The third time, was after taking Euthryomycin and it caused nausea and a fainting spell. The last episode was after the eyedoctor placed a contact lense in my eye for a fitting. I became very nauseous and passed out in the doctors office. This is very frustrating for me, and the doctors do not seem to have any answers or explanation for why this occurs.