Vaso-Vagal Discussion

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Re: Daughter Fainted Twice Today; Really Frustrated.

From: Mary
Date: 5/1/01
Time: 8:39:30 PM
Remote Name:


Hi Kay, I understand your frustration about your daughter. THere are people who have a vaso vagal reaction when they feel a bowel movement. I think it has something to do with the vagal nerve. Have your daughter get down on the floor when she feels a faint coming on. If at all possible have her lay down with her feet up on a chair, coffee table, whatever. This will help bring her blood pressure up and might eliminate a faint.

There are a few doctors out there who are familar with autonomic disorders. A good cardiologist would be a good place to start. Better yet an Electrophysioligist(spelling?) Better known as an EP/cardio doctor. An excellant diagnostic test is the 30 day Event Monitor and of course the Tilt table test. A doctor who knows anything about these disorders should be able to diagnose from her medical history of fainting etc.

If you are unfamiliar with some of these words, due a search on, GOOGLE.COM.

Look up, vaso vagal syncope, dysautonomic conditions, autonomic disorders, Neurocardiogenic syncope, and look up various teaching hospitals, like, Vanderbilt, medical college of ohio, etc.

Feel free to come back, if you have any questions and please let us know whats going on with your daughter.

Oops almost forgot, also look up the NDRF web site.

Hope this all helps in someway.


This web site is not a substitute for a thorough medical evaluation and diagnosis of your vaso-vagal type symptoms.  Medical treatment and diagnosis is the only acceptable initial response to these serious symptoms since they might present from any number of life threatening and treatable illnesses. It is for you and your physician to rule out more serious illnesses; Please don't use this online forum as an alternative to getting responsible medical attention and being under the care of a physician for the duration of any unknown, suspected or dangerous vaso-vagal syndrome symptoms.
Last changed: June 22, 2007