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From: mary
Date: 2/25/01
Time: 6:10:37 AM
Remote Name:
Hi Fran, sounds like the key for you is to find a doctor who will listen to what you are telling them. I remember one time i said to a Doctor,"no one will listen to me". That worked like a charm for me.
My ekg's were perfectly normal. When I have an episode my heart goes into heart block........The only test that captured this was the 30 day Event Monitor. After an episode my vitals go back to normal. Can you request a tilt table test, with your type of health care? Look up the NDRF site and look at the various types of dysautonomic conditions and see if any of them fit your symptoms. It is a good place to start, and gather information. Most doctors don't have a clue about these conditions, let alone treat them.
take care
Thanks for posting at the bottom(smile)