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From: Fran
Date: 2/24/01
Time: 1:15:28 AM
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Hi Mary Thanks for answering. When I said I had no tests done, I meant for Connections between my 'epilepsy' and heart irregularities. I have been diagnosed as having AF but these only showed when on an excercise machine. I was given a manual King of hearts monitor which I was supposed to go and get and put on my chest when ever I thought I was having an event. As my life is pretty hectic and am with a lot of people, I found it extremely uncomfortable and embarressing to use. It takes me all my time to cover up whats gong on in my body without retreiving the monitor from its box and sticking it down my jumper. I only used it three times over the course of a month. I have been given no feed back from these episodes. I suspect they didn't even look as they had an AF attack recorded in the hospital and the last three times I was visiting the DR. What I need to find out is if when I have a bad attack is this what causes me to go into a tunnel, black out and convulse. When I come out my heart and blood is rushing through my head very slowly (the exact opposite of my usual symptoms) and I have no way of checking my BP. I do feel extremely fatigued and frightened for two days after. I wrap my self up in cotton wool. How can I find out whats wrong? According to the Dr's my heart is healthy and there are no underlying reasons for my epilepsy, heart irregularities, menieres disease (a label they put on my dizziness) and miagraine. From what I have read my symptoms are very similar to some who have written to this site. Sorry to go on, but no one else will listen.