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From: mary
Date: 12/10/00
Time: 8:21:51 PM
Remote Name:
hello, Difficult to determine if it is vasovagal in nature. Was your son tested by a pediatric cardioligist and a pediatric neuroligist?These are the key Doctors most people see first.Was there anything differant on the day of these events,ie:not enough sleep, poor nutrition on that day, not enough to drink, any stressful physcial activity? It is very scarey to have this happen to adults, but to see your child going thru this is most scary. If it is truly vasovagel, young people most of the time out grow this condition. There are support groups on the internet for parents. So far it sounds like you have only one doctors opinion. Getting another opinon would probably help your peace of mind. Remember to get all his medical records, including nurses notes from his hospital stay. They may come in handy for that 2nd opinon.Please always remember in order for doctors to get paid they usually have to give a diagnosis.Also try to find out what a "normal' heart rate is for a small child.
Hope this helps Keep in touch.' Mary