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From: CNLGEO@aol.com
Date: 11/19/00
Time: 8:13:32 PM
Remote Name:
Our daughter was diagnosed by a pediatric cardiologist some years ago(7th grade)as having vaso-vagal syncope because of near-fainting episodes. She hasn't had any incidents until recently, (now age 19) when I watched her in a store begin to lose consciousness and reach out blindly, only 10-15 feet from me, to save herself from crashing into the racks and falling to the floor as I turned and ran to catch her unsuccessfully. That image will not leave me. Are there any Central New Jersey doctors specializing in diagnosing the underlying cause of this condition. I learned later that she ate cookies for breakfast at noon rather than the bagel I'd toasted for her, she then had little chocolate bars and was sipping a Coke (at 4:00 pm) when this happened to her - and she also got her period either that night or the night before. Based on what I'm reading in these postings, she seems to fit a pattern. So - any recommendations? Thank you for your interest and your help. Joan