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From: mom
Date: 10/8/00
Time: 8:32:18 PM
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my son is 8 years old and after having him experience most every symptom that people have discribed here, I am becoming more confident that this is what he suffers from. He had a spell yesterday and one 2 weeks ago where it simply came on suddendly. The doc in the ER mentioned vaso vagel and we had never heard of this before. Keaton, when he was 4 had a horrible reaction to his immunization shots and his heart stopped for a good amount of time. Not sure how long.Ever since then, he has had many strange passout reactions, including a small seizure on our vacation in Disney Land. We have observed that he needs a large quanity of water daily and has always needed more sleep then any other kid I know. He needs to eat 3 meals and snack so he is never hungry. The last 2 spells happened when he was hungry. He is a very active kid and will spend every waking moment running, biking etc. Lately, he has complined that his legs hurt and his knees "pop". He gets "stiff" after just standing for a moment. I thought growing pains but know am really considering that his blood pools to his legs after even sitting for a very short time. The concept of higher salt into his diet is one I will ivestigate. His blood pressure drops so intensely during a spell and only recently has he been able to explain to us what he is experincing. One person mentioned that the tilt table test was very painful. Is this true? Is there an anxiety medication one can take if that is the case. Keaton hasn't been prescribed any medicine so far. He is schelduled for a EEG ??? brain wave test in a couple of weeks and had a heart test this weekend in the ER. We will hear if there is any unusal results soon. Has anyone remembered having vaso as a kid?? Is vaso a blood, heart, problem?? I haven't been able to find any medical journals on vaso yet. Does anyone know of where to find one on the web?
Thanks, Wilma