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From: dodi@writeme.com
Date: 9/24/00
Time: 2:13:07 PM
Remote Name:
This disorder sounds like something a doctor would just shake his/her head about, as if you were nuts or something. How can so many people feel this way, and not be diagnosed correctly?
I had open heart surgery 10/97 - and I had a mitral valve replaced with a prothetic valve. In November 98, I had the RNY Gastric Surgery, I ended up having complication after complication and was unconscious for 65 days, and in the hospital for 9 months. I ended up with muscle atrophy - and I had to learn to walk again, my blood pressure was very low during my recovery and caused a lot of problems for me. I finally got out of the hospital July 99, and started walking again last October. I have some nerve damage still in my feet, and I'm on B12 shots for that.
I have been having these attachs ever since I had stomach stapling - which was back in Nov 98. I thought what I was experiencing was "dumping" - now I find out that it's vaso vagel. When I first start feeling ill, my nose starts to run, then my heart starts racing very very fast, and then I start to feel clammy, my arms feel weak, and I have to lie down, after about 15 minutes I feel OK. It is a very scary feeling. I have blacked out before, but never associated vaso vagal with what was happening, and I guess neither did my doctors. The doctors determined I had hypoglycemia and told me to eat protien every 3 or 4 hours. This seemed to solve the problem... at least that was what I thought until about 6 months ago. I've heard people talk about salt, I crave that a lot, and this problem ALWAYS happens when I've just eaten. Except salty things, what is the connection, does anyone know?
It sounds like a lot of people have this, but doctors, don't feel they need to do much, I'm tired of doctors and tests, but after what I've been through I'd hate to have something happen to my mitral valve.
Is this something that I should worry about - if so, should I go back to my Cardiologist and have some tests?