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From: HamptonGSM@aol.com
Date: 9/12/00
Time: 7:10:41 PM
Remote Name:
I'm glad to hear your son is doing okay. I know how traumatic a experience like that can be. When my daughter was a year old she had a complex seizure. Never really got any real anwsers why. Now at 4 she hasjust had what they called a vasovagal episode. It was very scary at least she did not seize at this time. But she lost all her color and her lips began to look blue. I think the doctors seem to dismiss all of this as being something that just happens sometimes and not to worry. Well that is pretty hard to do as a parent, nor do I considerate a normal thing. I am just out there looking for any information as you are. If you find any please let me know. I read about something called the Long QT syndrome Which is very scary but I may have our daughter tested for with a ECG. There are just to many unanwsered questions.