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From: steph
Date: 8/13/00
Time: 7:51:08 AM
Remote Name:
Wendy, I read your posting and the words that struck me were you knew your problem was more than fibromyalgia "you can feel it". I have fibromyalgia and my sister has vaso-vagal. We have similar symptoms but two totally different disorders. (we discuss it all the time) Different things bring on our symptoms. Different treatment works for us. My advice is go with your gut feeling. It took six months for me to find a dr. that diagnosed me correctly. Once I started my treatment I started getting better. Fibromyalgia has to do with non-restoritave sleep due to sleep cycle disturbances and connective tissue problems.I take meds for my sleep (pamelor, an antidepressant) exercise regularly to keep muscles toned and use stress management. Vaso-vagal would not respond to this stuff. Keep pursuing help. We know our bodies, find a sympathetic , open-minded dr. Good Luck.
From: Alice
I am 56 yrs. old and just recently fainted. At first I was told I had a TIA (mild stroke), then they thought it was a seizure and finally I just spoke with the doctor responsible for the Tilt Table Test which he felt was midly negative until I filled him in on some other things and he now believes I am positive for Vaso Vagel. I was walking from the bathroom after washing up for bed and thought "something is happening to me", felt light headed, sweaty, and my legs felt like lead. I made it to the bed, sat on the edge and obviously fainted. My husband found me, said I was reclining, holding myself up by the elbow and just slid down. He put my legs onto the bed and kept talking to me. I could hear him but through a tunner of sorts. I apparently slept all night after this episode and woke up feeling somewhat out of sorts. Does this ring any bells for anyone else. I have never fainted in my life. It was hot that night, I had drank tea and coffee (reg) and was upset when this happened (home under construction) and was carrying things up from the basement, so I was tired as well as stressed. I would welcome if anyone else identifies with this. I am trying to sort this our. Thanks very much for any reply or information, Alice (Green Acre@aol.com))