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From: hi
Date: 8/12/00
Time: 5:40:55 PM
Remote Name:
Your experience sounded so familiar I wanted to respond and tell you, although I don't lose consciousness, I become very, very weak, have what my dr. calls a "doomsday" mentality in that I just want to die. My blood pressure and heart rate fluctuate all over the place, and I feel as if my heart is going to sstop beating. THis has just started happening every time I drink water. I wasn't having these kinds of reactions prior to this, but I hav a bacterial overgrowth in my intestines that is anti-biotic resisitant. (It's been a mess).
Has anything helped you, are you over it now or do you still have episodes?
Thanks for your hlep, Mary
From: Alice
I am 56 yrs. old and just recently fainted. At first I was told I had a TIA (mild stroke), then they thought it was a seizure and finally I just spoke with the doctor responsible for the Tilt Table Test which he felt was midly negative until I filled him in on some other things and he now believes I am positive for Vaso Vagel. I was walking from the bathroom after washing up for bed and thought "something is happening to me", felt light headed, sweaty, and my legs felt like lead. I made it to the bed, sat on the edge and obviously fainted. My husband found me, said I was reclining, holding myself up by the elbow and just slid down. He put my legs onto the bed and kept talking to me. I could hear him but through a tunner of sorts. I apparently slept all night after this episode and woke up feeling somewhat out of sorts. Does this ring any bells for anyone else. I have never fainted in my life. It was hot that night, I had drank tea and coffee (reg) and was upset when this happened (home under construction) and was carrying things up from the basement, so I was tired as well as stressed. I would welcome if anyone else identifies with this. I am trying to sort this our. Thanks very much for any reply or information, Alice (Green Acre@aol.com))