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From: Teresa
Date: 8/10/00
Time: 6:29:42 PM
Remote Name:
I checked out this site after being told that my 5 year old son has Vaso-vagal syndrome, and now I'm getting the impression from some of the postings that this is what I have had for 22 years. I'm not clear on the symptoms, however. Is severe abdominal pain common? Pain similar to labour pains. My family Dr. had said it was probably Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
From: D. Anderson
Rear-ended car accident at 40mph, caused severe whiplash and severe post concussion syndrome. 3.5 weeks later (this is in Feb 2000), after suffering from nausea, headaches, and disequilibrium, I went from feeling fine one Sunday to an evening from hell. I told my husband I felt very weak and could feel the sudden drop in my blood pressure. I laid down, he woke me about an hour later, and I projectile vomited, then passed out cold...ER room, they had already had a negative MRI on my mild brain injury, they did a CT Scan, negative and then went to release me....I could not stand , I told the ER nurse I was going to faint, and I did..the next thing I know is I am coming out of a black faint feeling like my heart was coming out of my chest/...they had said my heart rate dropped suddenly to 20 bpm and that they gave me that med that is like an adrenlin...I remember shaking and a feeling like my alien was coming out of my heart, then they kicked my heart up with paddles to 100, monitored me in the early morning hours , with an external pacemaker and I was fine. I had no other episodes and the Docs wanted to do a pacemaker insertion that day! I told them to talk to my treating physicians, and didn't so I called them..they all said the neck pain could of caused such a reaction....the next day I was literally told if they did not insert the dual chamber pacemaker, I could not drive...they said my electrical system and muscular system and pre accident history were fine...SO, why did they put it in....almost 3 years later, it only comes on less than 1% of the time, probably when I sleep, as I have a slow heart rate and set at 50, it probably drops below as I sleep....I think they could of done other tests, never did an electrophysiology tests, no tilt tests nothing....so now in a case where I am suing the woman that hit me, they are questioning why a car accident caused me to have a pacemaker...my Docs called it a vaso vagal reaction to burning pain that I had in my neck that night???? Comments.....9/2002