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Date: 6/26/00
Time: 1:24:38 PM
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The bowel movement is related to VVS. The way it was explained to me is that your blood goes down to you stomach when you have gas or have to go to the bathroom. It then immediately goes back to your head (normally). With VVS it pools in the stomcah and that's why you pass out. Beta blockers allow it to go back to the head. Don't ask me how but it works though, it has something to do with adrenaline also. I've had VVS for ~25-30 years and have done an extensive amount of research, so I know what's happening. Of course without the beta blockers I still wouldn't be able to control the whole process.
From: Mel
Today I think I had a Vaso-Vagal reaction. I am a 32 year old female with Crohn's Disease for the last 13 years. I had a flexible sigmoidoscopy this afternoon. I did fine during the procedure as I am used to having them. Afterwards I felt a lot of abdominal discomfort and was having blood drawn when I felt as if I was going to pass out and was quite aware of the fat that I would and where I might fall. Luckily I was sitting down and still in the doctor's office. The lab tech put me in one of the rooms in the office and had me lie down. I had broken into a cold sweat and saw flashes of light that blurred my vision. When I cam around the medical assistnat said I had been very pale, but my color was coming back. I felt okay after a few minutes and the doctor came and checked me out before I left. I went home and slept for 2 hours and I feel better now. I have never had this happen before and am never one to be queasy when getting blood drawn. I guess the stresses of not eating and the endoscopy and bloodwork just got to me. I spoke with my mom (who is a R.N) tonight about it and she thought I had a vaso-vagal episode. It was pretty scary!