Vaso-Vagal Discussion

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Vaso Vagal Attack

From: Bill Eatock
Date: 6/6/00
Time: 2:57:18 PM
Remote Name:


You are going to find this hard to believe. But I BEG your indulgence.

I started to have what was later diognosed as Vagal Attacks a few years ago, they only started to occur after my abduction experience.. Please don't switch off. In 1991 i had what can only be decribed as an alien abduction encounter, the creatures picked me up and did certain tests on me... I know what your thinking... Later, I started to have thes horrible attacks, lightbheaded, dizzyness, sickly feelings, difficulty in breathing, etc. After dozens of tests I was diognosed as a vaso vagel sufferer. At times the feelings are so bad I feel as if I am going to die, but I'm still here!

To stave offf an attack I initially go to the door to get some fresh air, take deep breaths then stagger to the sofa and lie down. After, a short while they pass. however, they leave me totally drained and anxious.

Regards Bill

Re: V-V epsisode after eating



Yes, I have had two or three. Two major ones were afere I had eaten both currey and had white wine but I have had both many times since without a V-V response. My episodes were similar to yours. Began with stomach ache and I got very hot. I had repeated, in fact, almost continual diarrhea for a long period of time, until I think my entire bowel was empty. In between bouts of diarrhea I laid on the bathroom floor,. weak and extremely diaphoretic (dripping with perspiration, and I am a person who never sweats, even if excercising in hot weather. I just overheat and get red-faced and nauseous).. Once this was over, of course I went home. I was probably pretty weak, don't remember. A short time later, after resting, I felt fine. My first episode was when I was in my twenties, the second, in my thirties. I have since had minor episodes, but never the extreme like these two memorable ones. I am now 58. I am an RN and gressed that these were V-V responses. My MD friends agreed. Sorry yours is so frequent and troublesome. Best think I can suggest is to keep a diary of absolutely everything you had eaten and had to drink just before the attack. This means finding out every spice that was used, every wine, etc. Eventually some common denominator may show up. Best of luck to you. Barbara i

This web site is not a substitute for a thorough medical evaluation and diagnosis of your vaso-vagal type symptoms.  Medical treatment and diagnosis is the only acceptable initial response to these serious symptoms since they might present from any number of life threatening and treatable illnesses. It is for you and your physician to rule out more serious illnesses; Please don't use this online forum as an alternative to getting responsible medical attention and being under the care of a physician for the duration of any unknown, suspected or dangerous vaso-vagal syndrome symptoms.
Last changed: June 22, 2007