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From: robinb@computerchrome.com
Date: 5/15/00
Time: 8:33:14 AM
Remote Name:
CS in the UK: I would like you to expand on the occipito-mastoid suture and flexibility. I have been seeing a chiropractor for over 2 months and they have been working on this area. I have recently experienced the near onset of a vasal vagal reaction. (While sitting, everthing went black in about 2 seconds and I felt like I was just shutting down- going unconscious. I have never truly fainted and I managed to "snap out of it", only to have my heart racing and a strong feeling of adreneline. This happened about 10-15 times in one day, and since then, I have had a queer feeling on and off of my depth perception/space relations being off-skew. My chiropractor has not done any adjustments to my head/neck area since I told her of this occurence. I have seen a neurologist, how said it sounded like a heart arithmyia and wants me to see a cardiologist and have a tilt table test done. I have heard some horror stories about the tilt table tests and am somewhat hesitant to have it done. The strong "passing out" episodes have not reoccured in 2 weeks. I do, however, sometimes feel off, like the outside world is moving while I am sittng still. I would like to forward any information you have about osteopathy in the cranial field to my chiropractor and see if this might be helpful in diagnosing and correcting my condition. Thanks!
From: cherwest777@aol.com
i have just returned from the cardioligist for the 1st time. i hav ebeen told he thinks it is vaso vagal. i am on the holter monitor at the moment.i aws not told about a pace maker though? salt is interesting yet they didn't tell me taht yet. i also ahd blood work done to check my electrolytes. i am also ahving an echo- gram done tomorrow. anyone else have these tests done? this is all very frightening. please e-mail cherwest777@aol.com tahnks for all the info. all be well