Vaso-Vagal Discussion

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my story

From: christina molloy
Date: 5/2/00
Time: 3:19:04 PM
Remote Name:


hi..i am twenty two years ols, yesterday morning i awoke with stomach pains like i normally have when i am going to have diarrhea, as i went to the bathroom, i sat in the toilet over some by nausea and hot flashes..i awoke a minute later on my bathroom floor...i have a history of migraines and was at the end of my menstrual perios..all ask if i am pariod was right on time and normal..i am currently on birth control...i was seen yesterday by a cardiologist and neurologhist who believe my fainting spell was normal and to not be concerned until it happens again..out of my blood work ,my sugar aftereating two meals was only 91 and my hemoglobin was only ekg showed and enlargement in i believe my right atrium, but an echocaridogram showed no problems..i am scheduled for an mri on weed to find out why i am having so much quesion is, does this appear vasovagal as i have been told or should i think it is something more...please give me your oopinion...thank

Re: Vaso-Vagal Syndrome



I just had my son at the Primary Children's Medical Center in Salt Lake City for this type of problem. He has a congenital heart defect and had his third surgery in January. He had a pacemaker implanted nearly 9 years ago when he had his second surgery. This January, because his heart was in normal rhythm, his pacemaker was removed. This past Monday (early AM), he began vomiting and experienced seizures and passed out. I was told that this was the result of the Vagal nerve and that, because of his history, they needed to put the pacemaker back in. They told me that when he experiences this, it shuts his heart down and that for the 1% of the time when the Vagal nerve is stimulated, he needs to have some way to keep his heart going. The doctors said that there is an automatic bodily response that most people experience as a result of vomiting, bowel movements, sneezing, etc., that slows the heart rate way down but that most people are not aware of it and nothing happens. But in Gregory's case, the vagal nerve is overly stimulated and it creates a heart block that stops his heart, thus requiring the pacemaker. Hope this helps!!!!

This web site is not a substitute for a thorough medical evaluation and diagnosis of your vaso-vagal type symptoms.  Medical treatment and diagnosis is the only acceptable initial response to these serious symptoms since they might present from any number of life threatening and treatable illnesses. It is for you and your physician to rule out more serious illnesses; Please don't use this online forum as an alternative to getting responsible medical attention and being under the care of a physician for the duration of any unknown, suspected or dangerous vaso-vagal syndrome symptoms.
Last changed: June 22, 2007