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From: sandy
Date: 4/10/00
Time: 3:46:13 PM
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Hi !
I'm so sorry I haven't checked this site for a few days! I've only had 3 or 4 of these episodes, and the pattern seems to be that I'm in trouble with diarrhea first, then as the pain gets stronger and stronger, my eyesight gets "spotty", you know, you can't see a whole page of print, just what's in the middle, but if you move the page, you can see whatever is directly in front of you. Then I get really HOT and begin sweating, enough to make my hair wet, which is very unusual for me, and twice, I went "out" for just a second. I didn't have the sensation of going out, but suddenly my head hit the floor and I "woke up?"
Also, I knew I should tell my husband we should go to the hospital (childbirth had not hurt this much!) but I couldn't clear my mind enough to speak to him, and by the time I could, I realized I was getting better.
My gastroenterologist is very well versed in IBS. His office was one of the offices to use Latronex in the clinical trials. He tells me that the colon is (I forget how long, but something like 6 feet or more) and is a very powerful muscle. When it goes into a spasm, it "grabs" like you have the flu? You know, that special kind of grab, where you know you HAVE to get to the bathroom? Once I had much pain on my left side, and my arm went numb and it was because of my colon being in a bad spasm So if you've had any trouble with spasms and diarrhea I'd ask your doctor, or go see a gastroenterologist. Be sure to get a referral from some friends or someone who will send you to an experienced doc.
If you haven't had diarrhea, I doubt this is the cause.
Hope I've helped.
From: Ramel
I am not a diagnostician and don't mean to be presumptuous, but maybe it's worth checking with a neurologist about narcolepsy. Your description of episodes sounds very much like the narcoleptic episodes my mother experiences. Good luck.