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From: Martha
Date: 3/24/00
Time: 6:09:33 AM
Remote Name:
This also happens to me when they try to do a blood gases. I am not afraid of shots, i have my flu shot and other routine blood tests but they can't do a blood gas on me without my going out like a light. Twice during the same e.r. visit they tried to get a blood gas and out I went, the second time I come to they had the crash cart there. the dr. decided not to try again. This also happens to me sometimes when I have a bowel movement. I can't get a satisfactory explanation and this has been going on for over 20 years. Hope it helps to let you know there are others that this happens to. P>S> my blood pressure is always very low but my pulse always runs around 95.
From: one who knows better than to give a name
In January I gave blood, Near the end of the procedure the nurse moved the needle, causing pain, and i immediatly became lightheaded and knew I was going to pass out. Upon coming to i had lost control of my bladder, was sweating profusly, dying of thrist and drank water only to throw it back up. I was physically unable to leave the blood center for four hours. I returned home, and it was a long drive, and immediatly began to drink gatoraide, water, and eat saltines. I was exhausted, but try as I may, I could not sleep. I was weak and knew that I was dehydrated, but no matter how much flulid I took in, nothing changed. I gave in at 10:30 PM and called my doctor who agreed that I was dehydrated and should go to the emergency room. Unable to drive, I called a friend for a ride. They admitted me and gave me saline and some type of anti-nausa medication. They told me I had experienced a vaso vagal reaction. This is not the first time that I have experienced this type of reaction to various situations, of course I did not tell the doctors that. I also have recently been experiencing bouts of anxiety. They seem to come about mostly when I am driving. I love to drive, however,I believe these attacks stem from my fear that if I were to have a vaso vagal episode, it could be deadly. Its a sticky situation, and to ne quite candid, I don't know what the hell to do about it. Maybe, it's a response to all the craziness that's going on in the world.