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From: amy
Date: 3/15/00
Time: 5:21:57 AM
Remote Name:
thats just beyond pathetic.......doctors and nurses rn't god evn though they like to act it. There nurses and doctors who try and find out whats wrong with u. there not mind readers u can't expect any one at all to know what your thiking unless you tell them......for gods sakes grow a brain and find sometjing better to do in youyr life other than sueing a doctor
From: Candace
I've been told by the Japanese doctors I've got vaso vagal reflex. This is the 2nd attack in 2 yrs very very scary all my test results came out perfectly NORMAL so why did this happen and how can I prevent this coming on again it was like a seizure and scared my family alot.
From: S. Atz
My daughter has been diagnosed with Vasa Vagal Syncope. Very upseting because we don't know what is causing it. She has abdominal pain, seizure like episodes, passes out then throws up. She also has had EEG Upper GI and EKG. Her heart rate drops so low they put us in the Cardiac Unit for 3 days. She is 8 now but realize this happen about 2 years ago when she had pains in her abdomin. She has had pains off and on over the past 2 years without the vasa vagal attacks but in December she had about 8 episodes and ended up in the hospital where all the testing was done. Any information would be helpful at this point because I'm not sure where to go from here. Thankyou