Vaso-Vagal Discussion

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Re: Vaso-Vagal Discussion

From: DeEtte Arias
Date: 3/10/00
Time: 1:04:05 AM
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I also have been diagnosed with the vasovagal syncope. I had 4 episodes about 3 years ago and the latest February 15, 2000. That particular time I was in ER. I had all the symptoms of a heart attack but was not having a heart attack. They were running an EKG. It hurt to breath, the deeper the breath, the more pain. I told the Doctor I was going to be real sick...I thought I was going to throw up, but I passed out. Well, I shouldn't say I passed out...My heart stopped completely, I was out about 20 seconds. They have since then put in a pacemaker, I still have the small episodes of nausea but do no pass out. I feel they fixed the end result of the problem, but not the problem. Does anyone have this overwhelmingly nauseating feeling come over them before they pass out and does your heart stop completely? (If it hadn't been for this last episode in ER they wouldn't of known that my heart stopped completely) Also these episodes started back when I was using the Phen-fen...they are saying they are not related but then again..they don't know exactly the cause. It has been all speculation at this point. Do any of my symptoms sound familar??

Re: Vasovagal episodes with Irritable Bowel Syndrome

From: angela


hi, i'm 20 yrs old and i too have had ibs since high school,although only recently have i been feeling faint before bowel movements or IBS attacks.This vasovagal experience is all very new to me I always thought that the fainting feeling was due to the pain and only occured during a painfulll episode. but now i have a faint sensation before as well. any info about this problem is definitly welcomed, and you seem to have more experience with the situation than I. your reply would be greatly appreciated thank you.


From: jaimie


I've been diagnosed as having severe vaso-vagal recently, butI've had it since I was about seven years old. To be quite honest, it scares me to death that there is nothing I or any one else can do except "eat salt", "stand up slowly", and "keep your blood pressure up". I've actually hit my head on various occasions, leading to my being blacked out for longer than the normal few seconds to few minutes. I'm only sixteen years old, and I don't want this for the rest of my life. I don't even know how to live with this. Tonight I had one of my particularly bad episodes, and it is so scary to be alone. I'm afraid to take a shower without someone there, because I've fallen in there before! The only thing that keeps me from just conking myself out, is that I can usually tell when it's about to happen and can curl up into a fetal position. And if I can't, and I hit my head, my wonderful cat goes up to the nearest person and starts meowing really loud so that the person knows I'm in trouble. I would really like to hear from someone who has had vaso-vagal their whole lives tell me how they survive this, or if I can get over it. Please, I need some (for lack of a better word) help.

This web site is not a substitute for a thorough medical evaluation and diagnosis of your vaso-vagal type symptoms.  Medical treatment and diagnosis is the only acceptable initial response to these serious symptoms since they might present from any number of life threatening and treatable illnesses. It is for you and your physician to rule out more serious illnesses; Please don't use this online forum as an alternative to getting responsible medical attention and being under the care of a physician for the duration of any unknown, suspected or dangerous vaso-vagal syndrome symptoms.
Last changed: June 22, 2007