Vaso-Vagal Discussion

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I had a tablesaw accident and lost part of a finger!!!!

Date: 2/29/00
Time: 9:40:33 PM
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I am a hobby-handyman. I cut wood into squares with a chop saw (very safe) and then turn them on a lathe and make small decorative items like lace bobbins and Christmas ornaments. Well, I loaned my chop saw to my Father-in law last week and received a new lathe accessory in the mail yesterday. I was so excited to try my new tool that I turned into a temporary idiot and tried to cut my wood with a table saw. The difference between the two is: a chop saw is one which the blade moves through the wood where a table saw is one which you push the wood through the blade (a little more hands on.) As I was finishing the piece, the blade threw the wood causing my hand to slip and hit the blade. I pulled my hand away immediately after contact and felt safe because it didn't hurt. A split second later I looked at my hand (usually a BIG mistake) and saw that my index fingernail was coated with blood. I then turned off the saw and walked upstairs and told my wife to put our baby in the car and get ready to go to the hospital in case I had more damage than it looked. While irrigating the wound, I saw bone so I decided that it would be best to go ahead and get to the emergency room. I lost the top half of the last joint of my left index finger. (But yet I am typing this with little trouble.) I had to have a tetanus shot and several shots to to finger. I was diagnosed with Vasovagal in fourth grade and still suffer two or three times a year at the age of 27. I didn't have a seizure last night even though my blood pressure was 168/101 at time of arrival and I was extremely stressed out. I guess that since I didn't stub my toe, I didn't pass out. Pretty weird, huh? Mat

Re: Tilt test for Vaso vagal

From: Kate


Hi Stan I read your bit about the tilt test and wondering. Well I dont know how it works but I did that test and after 10 min. I felt like vommiting and I did pass out. MY blood pressure also dropped alot. Kate

Re: VVS and menstrual period

From: Other sufferer


My new Dr has just explained to me the relationship of the dialation of the cervix prior to menses, and that nearly all my attacks are the few days prior to it. Then I had another attack when they went in for a emergency DNC- they inserted the lamineria and I went into vaso-vagal with full on vomitting, loss of bowels and blood pressure and heart rate dropped till I collapsed. So there seems to be a strong link- I had visited over 20 Dr's, MR-normalI, Blood work ups were normal, Neurologists- said no set reason, EKG- normal, and now after 2 years, I had the luck to see this Harvard Hot shot Dr, OBGYN, Dr Kerr, when I walked in the first time, she was able to tell me all about this- vaso vagal syncope from dialation of cervix...research!

This web site is not a substitute for a thorough medical evaluation and diagnosis of your vaso-vagal type symptoms.  Medical treatment and diagnosis is the only acceptable initial response to these serious symptoms since they might present from any number of life threatening and treatable illnesses. It is for you and your physician to rule out more serious illnesses; Please don't use this online forum as an alternative to getting responsible medical attention and being under the care of a physician for the duration of any unknown, suspected or dangerous vaso-vagal syndrome symptoms.
Last changed: June 22, 2007