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From: Nathan
Date: 12/17/99
Time: 7:25:07 AM
Remote Name:
I am 16 and was recently diagnosed with vaso vagal syndrome. I was wondering if anyone that has it is as young as me. If someone is please write me ate ratfinknate@cs.com.
From: AshleyKS
I have had episodes like this all my life. I am 19 years old and the most recent one was last week. Before that it hadn't occured for over a year i believe. They are very scarry episodes. What normally occurs from what I can recall is that I recieve a sharp blow or experience a sharp pain somewhere and become extremely faint and disoriented, and I now know after so many of these episodes, that i'm going to pass out. Once or twice I have somehow avoided passing out by forcing myself to maintain consciousness, unless the episode was just less severe. Once I pass out, from what my mother has told me, my heart stops for a short period of time and I guess i struggle to breathe or something until someone knocks me out of it by shaking or slapping me awake. Once I'm awake I'm very "out of it" and unstable, shaky and weak. The past couple of times it has occured was when I was in the bathroom. This is very frightening to me especially since I live in a dorm room and if this happened in the middle of the night in the bathroom with the door locked, I don't know what would happen because i've always had someone there to "knock me out of it".
I also feel my temperature sore. In fact I can watch it go up and down with a themometer when I am standing vs. laying down. I wonder if anyone else gets high temps?