john herr psychologist los gatos saratoga california

On Sabbatical

Vaso-Vagal Discussion

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From: a technical writer
Date: 11/27/99
Time: 9:18:14 AM
Remote Name:


Do you really mean that a common symptom of vaso-vagal syndrome is "feinting"??? Might "fainting" be another of those symptoms?

vasovagal episode



This has happened twice in the past 9 months and my doctor has labeled it vasovagal episode. My symptoms are: first I feel light-heeaded, then nausea and a feeling to relieve my bowels at the same time. Then immediately following, I feel like I can't breath and I'm gasping for breath. Immediately following I fall to the ground. I don't completely black-out because my eyes are open but I don't have any control of my body and will just fall straight down. Immediately afterwards, I vomit and/or move my bowels (while still unable to control my body). Once I've released, I slowly regain strenght to lift my head and arms. This whole eipisode takes about 3-4 minutes. Once it is over, I feel very weak and wore out. The first time this happened, the ambulace arrived and said I was probably just dehydrated because I had the flu at the time. This second time, I was not sick at all when it happend and noticed that the symptoms happended in the exact same sequence. I now suffer from a litte anxiety because it is a very scarey experience and I feel as though I'm going to die when it happens because I can not breath and I'm gasping for breath. Please let me know if anyone has experience anything similar to this.

Re: anyone get confusion? plz



I have a very hard time finding words ( eveb simple words). Its as though its on the tip of my tongue but it takes a while to get out. I also have trouble remembering things. I have never had problems like this before with my memory. It sooo frustrating and makes me worry something more serious could be wrong, But my doctor for my syncope does'nt really express an opinion about this one way or another?

This web site is not a substitute for a thorough medical evaluation and diagnosis of your vaso-vagal type symptoms.  Medical treatment and diagnosis is the only acceptable initial response to these serious symptoms since they might present from any number of life threatening and treatable illnesses. It is for you and your physician to rule out more serious illnesses; Please don't use this online forum as an alternative to getting responsible medical attention and being under the care of a physician for the duration of any unknown, suspected or dangerous vaso-vagal syndrome symptoms.
Last changed: June 22, 2007


On Sabbatical!

When my office lease expired at the end of 2004, I decided to turn it into a "sabbatical" from my private practice. Many years ago, in my grandfather's 89th year of life, he told me, "John, it is important to smell the roses while you can still smell them." His life gave living a very good reputation. It is also true that the pursuit of that philosophy required my grandfather to to re-open his assay office/ore market in Wickenburg, Arizona as a 75-year-old because he had run a little short of retirement money. Thus, if blessed with his luck and health, I'll be back.. --jjh

Copyright 1998-2007  John J. Herr, Ph.D.                                   Please send comments to