john herr psychologist los gatos saratoga california

On Sabbatical

Vaso-Vagal Discussion

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Re: Vaso Vagal Episode

From: Michele Halpin
Date: 10/2/99
Time: 7:28:57 PM
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Perhaps someone can put together a matrix that we can all fill-out, thereby collating all our signs and symtoms, ultimately we will come up with a clear picture of our conditions.For example, I appear to be one of a minority with regards to the fact that I have never lost consciousness during a V.V. episode, the sight of blood doesn't distress me at all (one of my kids chopped off the top off his finger and I was fine), I've had some of my episodes on an empty stomach, some on a full stomach but then I do share many of the other symtoms, heat sensitive, low B.P., slow heart rate, profuse sweating, have had severe menstral pain most of my life, etc. Who knows, we may start to see some sort of pattern emerging. By the way, thanks for the feedback relating to my V.V. history, we are really the only ones who can empathise with each other. I appreciate everyone advice to lay down when you feel an attack coming on but because I have always lost control of my bowel, it makes it impossible for me to do that first off. I lay on the cold bathroom floor when my energy level starts to rise again but in the early stages, forget it. Interestingly, is it just a coincidence that everyone effected seems to be of above average intelligence or is just that people of above average I.Q.'s bother to surf the net in an attempt to look for answers? I would be happy to be on an Email list, so we can stay intouch and discuss/relate/question/confirm etc our cases in a more immediate way. Hear from you soon...... Michele


On Sabbatical!

When my office lease expired at the end of 2004, I decided to turn it into a "sabbatical" from my private practice. Many years ago, in my grandfather's 89th year of life, he told me, "John, it is important to smell the roses while you can still smell them." His life gave living a very good reputation. It is also true that the pursuit of that philosophy required my grandfather to to re-open his assay office/ore market in Wickenburg, Arizona as a 75-year-old because he had run a little short of retirement money. Thus, if blessed with his luck and health, I'll be back.. --jjh

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