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From: John J.
I know exactly what you are talking about. I passed out last summer during a 10K race with about 150 yards to go..I mean completely out. This was in Mid-June and had pre syncope symptoms the rest of summer. And all fall. Spent a week in the Hospital in August. These pre sync symptoms came and went all fall and winter. Even went to Cleveland Clinic in January. Finally this spring I am back to running 4 miles, 4Xweek. And am feeling much better. Clev. Clinic put me on Levsin, an anti-spasmatic drug. E'mail me at johnjones850@hotmail.com if you want to talk more about vasovagal and exercise. I have done so much research I feel like an expert. I am a workout NUT and have used it to heal my mind and body. Hope this helps....John R. Jones