Vaso-Vagal Discussion

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VVsince I was 11

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From: Ruthie


I am 64 and have suffered from vaso-vagel since I was 11 yrs old. That was the first time I had the worst stomach ache with nausea,felt like I needed to have a bm and the next thing I knew I begin to come to and the side of my face was skinned terribly I had fainted and my face slid down a masonary wall. Since then it has been so unpredictable I will feel terribly sick to my stomach and have to have a bm with tingling hands and feet I will sometimes have a narrowing of vision and sometimes I get hot. When I come to I am freezing and my teeth will chatter. I have been diagnosed as sezures I also have migraines so DR's said that caused them. Migraines have pretty much subsided but the VV hasn't I just had a VV two days ago. I had just had a Cardiac Cath and next day I was home and felt the stomach began to knot up and the next thing I knew my Granddaughter was calling my name and I was unable to speak but she did call 911. I had just had an episode the day after Christmas and the same EMT were on duty so they were familar with the problem I guess what I am saying is I pray for someone that is interested enough to study VV cause I don't want my precious GDaughter to have to be exposed to mine or possibly it happening to her.DR's used to say SURE !! when I descibed the episodes at least now there is a name for our problem. Good Luck Everyone and don't give up.

This web site is not a substitute for a thorough medical evaluation and diagnosis of your vaso-vagal type symptoms.  Medical treatment and diagnosis is the only acceptable initial response to these serious symptoms since they might present from any number of life threatening and treatable illnesses. It is for you and your physician to rule out more serious illnesses; Please don't use this online forum as an alternative to getting responsible medical attention and being under the care of a physician for the duration of any unknown, suspected or dangerous vaso-vagal syndrome symptoms.
Last changed: June 22, 2007