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From: Joan
Richard, My episodes are the same, but start with severe cramping and I can tell the difference between that cramping and gas. They feel like labor pain. I've had them for 45 years, they come in clusters, but I can't find a real trigger, only know of one and that is if I eat too much red meat. When I knew the pain was the start of an episode, I would always run to the bathroom, cramp for about 10 minutes, then get extremely hot and sweat, get a cold cloth if I could, get my head down to the floor while still sitting on the commode and then start to go unconcious and sometimes go out. Over the years I learned to control them and not go out but very close. But if I did't faint, I would get diahrrea and usually throw up at the same time. If I did pass out, it would be over when I woke up. I was dx'ed as having seizure disorder until last year! Off and on anti seizure meds: none worked. After finding this site, I did what was advised and when the episode began to occur, I forced myself to ly down and NOT go to bathroom. It was VERY hard and I still felt the cramping, but I don't get the other symtoms!! The pain goes away and I'm fine as long as I don't stand up for awahile. So getting up and sitting on commode actually seem to cause the rest. Try it if you can, next time.