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From: jewel
I suffered from a very severe form of Malignant vaso Vagal attacks a few years back. I was sent to see a military cardiologist who specialised in this area...after having various tests, tilt table etc the Consultant announced a pace maker was the answer (he seemed to be delighted when he pressed my carotid artery in my neck and my heart stopped beating...recording on his heart machine) However I decided to move area and I never returned to the Consultant and his pace maker. It seemed pretty much obvious to me that there was some sort of blockage in the carotid artery which carry the nerve impulses to the heart. Although I was informed that I had a very serious case of this syndrome...and boy did I know it! (many times I would crash out, especially after sneezing. I also had Wenkebach Heart Block) However I DO NOT suffer these attacks anymore...WHY? Logic told me that although my scans came back clear there must have been a blockage in my caritod artery that did not show up by scans etc. I set myself a task of detoxing all the rubbish out of my body and clearing my house of any harmful fumes and chemicals etc. I used an ancient receipe of Black Walnut Tincture which is a very potent detoxing aid...NOT ONLY did my attacks stop the belly ache I had everyday of my life which I mistook for normal stopped too. Also my hair thickened, my zombie like state of life gained enthusiasm and I now have energy. All the strange symtons I had before just disappeared. Think about it seriously....if the medical profession had a cure we wouldn't be typing on here. What I am suggesting is to clear the body of unknown pathogens which are doing their job of making us ill! It really really does work. Just search on the web the tincture can easily be found. I personally found it on the Curezone forum.