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From: mia
Hi Becca,
Drinking water does raise my BP, but I was told that it lowers high BP as well, that it helps to stabilize it regardless. I use it to raise mine, though, and that has been my experience.
VVS symptoms really seem to vary, but I have found a few things useful... when I have an episode, it often continues for hours, particularly if I'm ill - I always have spells when I'm nauseous. If I can't shake the nausea, I will pass out repeatedly. The only thing that has worked for me is IM gravol, so I now carry around syringes and small vials of gravol. This almost always works for me. I think that drinking water and drinking green tea, rather than coffee, has worked preventively as well. I don't know what your VVS experience has been and it's hard to trade tips because everyone seems to have different triggers etc, but these are things that have worked for me...