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From: sltrainor@bellsouth.net
I think this is what I have. Frankly I have been too scared to find out. It seems to happen whenever I have the stomach flu. I am very sick in the middle of the night I always make it to the floor of the bathroom and then I feel like I am about to pass out. It doesn't happen right away but is long and drawn out. My heart races and I am so hot I feel like I am about to catch on fire. The last one I had my husband was trying to help me. I was laying flat on the floor with a cold compress I lost conciousness for about a 2 minutes. When I awoke I had urinated but my husband said I did not move while I was asleep. so I don't think it was a seizure. I continued to feel like I was going to pass out for about an hour. Then I was sick in bed for about 24 hours after that with vomiting and diarhea. In the last 2 years. I previously have had eeg's and mri's with negative results. I live in fear of the stomach virus. When my kids get it I wash my hands until they are raw. I would like to know if vaso vagal is the cause of the flu like symptoms or the flu the couse of the vaso vagal. I would also like to know if there is a way to prevent the actual passing out. I am always lying down when I pass out.
Very Frightened Lisa