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From: Patricia in the UK
I have had two attacks on an airplane, completely different symptoms each time. Last year my body went like lead, could not speak, move in any way and hence could not tell anyone I was ill. My friend realised something was wrong but it gradually rectified itself as we lost altitude. Two days ago it happened again, this time on the homeward flight. Felt fine on boarding, had eaten beforehand, was relaxed and reading a book when it struck. This time I felt hot, passed out with my eyes open and then when I came round, I still felt faint and very nauseous. Air hostess said to put my head between my knees, did this and was sick. Kept yawning all the time, went into a major cold sweat then could not get my body temperature up despite a blanket, lower legs felt slightly tight in the muscles of the calves, needed two hours of constant oxygen as without it I felt I was fainting again. Tried to stand to go to the toilet and legs felt as though they were going to buckle. Went to doctors in Uk this morning, quite disinterested, said he thought it was a vaso vagal attack but begrudgingly sent me for blood check booked for next week. I need to know what causes this and if it will strike at any other time. I am on two blood pressure tablets Ramipril and Bendroflumethiazide and feel there is a link between this attack and the Bendro which I was prescribed in addition to the Ramipril I was already on, around the time of the first attack. The chief air hostess said the symptoms were like the bends.