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Hi, I'm a 25 year old female. I've been fainting my whole life, I'd say probably about 8-10 times over a 15 year period. Usually over giving blood, once when I got my ears pierced, once after starting an anti-depressant that same night and two after excruciating stomach pains. The most recent one was last month, i developed these severe pains in my stomach and before i could make it to the washroom i passed out unconscious. I went to the doctor and b/c its a new family doc she sent me to get an EEG today. Results came back normal BUT b/c I passed urine the last time and a witness said "i was shaking like a leaf" he doesnt think it is just vaso vagal. He says it is extremely rare to pass urine for a simple faint. He says I have a low seizure threshold but b/c it doesnt happen too often, he doesnt want to medicate me. He told me never to drink more than 2 drinks in one night. Does anyone else drink more than this? Nothing has ever happened to me before after having a few drinks. I still dont want to believe I have a problem with seizures. My whole family faints and there is no seizure history. Anyone else in this situation? Its very upsetting. Thanks!!!