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HI i'm 16 and i was told i have nuerocardiogenic synacope i don't even know how to spell it and at the least bit under why i have it. I have been dealing with this illness for about 2 years and it is hard. on January 13th i had an episode in my math class. Those episodes are very common for me and i have had about 30. I can't drive or swim alone, and i can't really do anything on my own without being afraid of an attack. I am told by my school nurse that it looks like a seziure but i was tested for months with only "Normal" results. It was agrevating i didn't know what to do. I went to a heart doctor who figured out what was wrong, the only thing is it really doesn't make much sense. I read stories and alot are like mine and they have different illnesses, the one thing we all have in common is why, why does this happen and why don't we have treatments or cures, i know cancer is more important but living your life afraid to do things is just as important.