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From: Brittany
Thanks for posting your story. I've been passing out for years now, but only when i feel sick or extremely uncomfortable (sometimes i just get the dizzy feeling and have to sit or lay down). Hearing your story helped me because i realize that i'm not the only person who's having these problems. Alot of my friends get scared when i let them know i'm not feeling well and that i might pass out. I want to get a bracelet for it, but i don't wanna go through any tests, because i HATE doctors. the thought of going to the doctors scares me into almost having an "episode". i passed out a few years ago because my mom said i had to go for a check up, so i ended up not going. Do you think i would be able to get a bracelet without having tests done? because from all the things i've read, this is exactly the symptoms I have. Also my heart races sometimes, and likes to skip alot. Anyone with info please e-mail me back at britt1800@hotmail.com. thanx!