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From: rick
I haven`t been diagnosed yet but I suspect I have VVS. Mine started with an intense Deja-vu feeling and each episode grew worse until lately they happen to varying degrees. I can even trigger them "on command" if I think hard enough about certain Deja-vu episodes. I also find some episodes happen during a daily routine. If I am doing something I had done a million times or walking through a cooridor for the thousandth time it brings on the "hey , I`ve been here before feeling" and it escalates out of my control. I get the increased body temperature, sweats, nausea, urge to vomit, deficate and urinate all at the same time. This really sucks. I have an appointment in 3 days. I`ll let you know what they say. Thanks for reading. I just wanted to relay my experiences. Good luck to all.
-Rick , in Carrollton Texas