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From: s
I guess this is still so new that nobody knows the real way to treat it... It seems odd to me that there is such a wide variety of drugs used to "correct" these symptoms. I did a bunch of research before i went through my testing, and read about the various ways of treating VVS, but when I asked my Cardio and EP about it they both seemed to agree that beta bloskers in the blood pressure regulating arena was where to start. They didn't seem too conviced about the effectiveness of the use of Xanax and other drugs like it. I mean I know each person's situation is different, but I feel like they shouldn't be giving you that.
Your symptoms are exactly the same as mine. Same order and everything. Fortunatley for me i have found that if I let my self vomit when i feel the stomach hurting symptoms i won't pass out - i don't know which is better.... but since i live alone, i'd rather puke than wake up alone on my bathroom floor again.
At first a doctor i saw gave me hyoscyamine for IBS. I never took it everyday, just when the stomach pain started. That would stop that, but i still felt weak and dizzy on a daily basis. It wasn't until after the tilt test that they discovered exactly what was happening.
I understand the frustration of taking the medicine everyday, at 22 it seems like something only old people do, but I have felt nothing but completely better since i started taking mine. My VVS is caused because my parasympathetic ns slows my heart down too much and stops and makes me pass out. They have put me on the lowest does of atenolol. It really seems to have worked. Even though it is normally used to regulate blood pressure is helps to regulate my heart rate. I don't feel the weakness and dizzyness i normally felt daily and my stomach seems to hurt a little bit less when it does start (when really bad things happen - getting a speeding ticket, boyfriend trouble etc. ), then i take the hyoschamine and it goes away completely. I have really felt a completel turn around in everything since i started taking the atenolol. Funny thing too, before i have normal but on the low side blood pressure, and the medicine has made it drop about 10 points on both measurements, but i feel like i sleep much better and have a lot more energy.
Did they ever do a tilt test on you to see what part of your nervous system was not responding properly?