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From: Audrey
How do you find a doctor that will take vaso vagal seriously? I get the fainty feeling every single day. Now, I fear I will get fainty in meetings and situations that I can not get out of so I beleive I am bringing on the fainty feeling by stressing out about it. I think about fainting all the time now. When I am stuck in traffic I worry that I will pass out and thus start to feel like I will pass out. I am 33 years old, a female and my first pass out was at age 5. I passed out about every other year from age 5 to age 25 and would sometimes get the pass out feeling when I was extremly nervous. I have not passed out in the last 8 years but then last week I was going to see a doctor about my hemerrhoids and I had to do an enema 2 hours before my appointment. I passed out twice after I had performed the enema and once I got to the doctor he said my blood pressure was low and that I probably had vaso vagal syncope. For the past 2 years I have been through a number of tests to find out what it is I have. I saw a cardiologist who did the heart tests and said I probably had vaso vagal syncope but that the medications for it were worse then the problem. He said I could get a tilt table test to be sure but when sent to get the test that doctor sent me back to my regular doctor and said he thought it was low blood sugar since my 3 hour blood sugar test showed 65 at the last reading. My regular doctor did a 24 hour urine test and put me on a glucoseameter which showed that during my fainty feelings my bsl is anywhere from 39-122. I think I have hypoglycemia and vaso vagal. The doctor told me to monitor it for another year and to eat more starches and carbs and to come back if it did not get better. Now, I JUST WANT THE TILT TABLE TEST. Why don't they want me to have it? Why won't they prescribe beta blockers. Do I need to instruct them on what I want them to do? I feel like a hypocondriac going to the doctors office like they are saying, "Here she is again". But the symptoms are real and embarressing. I can no longer even have a conversation with a co-worker without stressing out and thinking, "what happens if I faint now". I stress about it all the time and I beleive my stress actually brings on the feeling now. I need help. I need a doctor that understands that what I am feeling is real and needs fixing.