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From: Pam
I am 4 months pregnant. I have been shuffling between a midwife, a cardiologist, a perinatalist from out of town and I finally found a OB/GYN to see me locally. none of them seem to agree what's the safest way to deliver my child. I want to do a natural birth, but a midwife won't do it without a cardiologist opinion- even the OB/GYN seems nervous about my condition. None of them have said anything about a C-Section. From my research this should be a last resort. My perinatalist said most pregnant woman w/ VV have no problems in delivery- that's what I'm going with- if there are complications, my partner will have a list of does and don'ts for the physicians. It seems from reading the comments in this forum most women are fine during delivery. Too many doctors are too quick to cut us up.