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From: Cyndierose2000@aol.com
First a little about myself... I'm 22 years old 5'9 and weigh about 110 lbs. I have been passing out since I was 12 years old. I went through a series of tests when I was younger cause they thought that I was diabetic then they thought I was anemic. Well, all those tests came back negative so they dropped it like it was nothing. Well, 2 years ago I was having more spells and I lost conscienceness in the mall and I decided to get another doctor. I was sent through it seems to be endless tests and I was referred to a cardiologist. There I went through yet again more test and he diagnosed me to have Vaso Vagal Syncope. Now before they put me on medication I would get a series of signs... I would feel sick to my stomach and get extremely warm. then I would feel my heart just pound I would lose my hearing and then my sight. When I come back around I never know where am I right away. When they put me on medication it didn't help at all and just made me sick. So he decided to try another one. Well, that one didn't work all it did was take away my warning signs. Now I'm currently on no medication cause I don't have insurance cause I lost my job cause of my chronic illness. I know its wrong especially when in their handbook it says you will not be accounted for doctors excuses. Well, instead of pushing it and having to worry about the stress involved I just didn't bother. Now I cant seem to get a job anywhere cause no one wants to hire me with the medical chronic illness I have. I personally don't know what can be done without drugs. All I know is that it is hard to live day by day not knowing what is gonna happen when you have a spell. I have them at least once a day and there are several things that trigger them. If I get to warm body temperature or high adrenaline. I cant run or even walk far distances. I cant drive cause if someone cuts me off that gets my adrenaline going and I wont put the lives of others in danger. Feel free to email me and let me know if you have had anything close to mine.