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From: sandy
I had the exact thing happen to me. And apparently, my heart stopped and I quit breathing too. I came back on my own, but by that time EMS had been called and I went to the ER. And after a complete heart workup, GI workup including a colonscopy and gastroscope, gall bladder ultrasound, they still don't know what caused it. The cardiologist said if I feel an "episode" coming on, I am to lie on the floor and raise my feet. I had an episode, triggered by abdominal pain, and I got on the floor as fast as I could and put my feet on the sofa. I did not go completely out, but I believe it was because I was on the floor with my feet up. I cannot find anything else about it. Or what is causing it. It is definitely scary. I am a healthy 61 yr old.