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From: Becca
I'm going to try and answer some of your questions, though you should note I am not in any way medically qualified. I am answering on the basis of research I have personally conducted into the condition since diagnosis.
Firstly which beta blocker are you on and secondly have you had a tilt test done to confim the diagnosis?
Regarding the promotion, it is very common for flying to effect people with VV. I have been told by my specialist I am not to fly because of VV, so you _really_ need to speak to a speacialist with VV regarding flying. It might be okay for you, but I know I was definitely told not to, it's because flying alters blood pressure and heart rythm slightly and in my case (and many others) changes in either cause me to collapse.
No-one really knows if it is permanent or not, for some people it just disappears others can have it for years.
Regarding the physical/mental question welcome to the great debate! It depends on who you talk to and what you were doing at the time of a VV episode.
Since diagnosis I have been repeatedly threatened with being locked away in mental hospital because some doctors believe it is controllable by the patient, in my case I was told I must be collapsing because I was desperate for attention from men (I kid you not - apparently that is the 'major reason in little girls' the fact I am 27 is irrelevant!), the problem in reality was a specialist who didn't have a clue and couldn't be bothered to help treat a difficult to treat condition (as there are so many options available).
I have been to see the registrar of a specialist in VV (the specialist was called away) and he told me it is a physical condition, stress/anxiety/depression can make it worse but it is caused by a physical problem.
Vasovagal refers to the nerve that goes from the head to the heart and controls blood pressure the depressor part means it is being inturrupted in someway (I think).
The reasons Drs tend to think this is normal is because many mistake VV for simple fainting, I have been told it is not. Apparently this is a common mistake. There is also the problem of people believing it only happens to highly emotional people, which again is a common mistake.
I often wonder how many people have been diagnosed with this condition but are put off seeking help because of being told it is nothing. In my case I have a diagnosis of severe VV and now, finally, have specialists who are willing to help me. This so called 'normal condition' has made me collapse in roads and down stairs, I have ended up bruised all over and can end up in bed for up to three days after collapsing because I am so exhausted and ill afterwards.
Like I said at the start I am not a doctor and have based these answers on various bits of research I have undertaken. You could try looking at http://www.stars.org.uk where there is a lot of information available, and the woman who runs it is most knowledgable about the condition. : )
Take care, Becca.