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From: sheilakayeclark@yahoo.com
A week ago I was outside gardening, something I love to do, when suddenly I felt I had to go to the bathroom. I had a bowel movement and at the end I started to feel like I was going to be sick, then my heart started to pound, and then I got the worst headache of my life. I actually thought I was having an anuerism, and that I was dying. Then headache was done in about twenty minutes and then I felt fine except I was exhausted. The next day while driving, I had to stop quickly and felt like my brain had to catch up with the rest of me, a day later I had another episode while going to the bathroom. My husband took me to the hospital where I had a ct, and a spinal tap. An anuerism was ruled out. I have had a few more episodes since these tests. A nurse I talked to mentioned vasovagel so I have just found this website. From what I have read I am quite certain this is what I am dealing with, and realize that other episodes that were not as traumatic were probably a manifestation of this syndrome. Is there anything I can do to minimize symptoms? Is this a psychological problem that manifests itself with physical problems?(what I mean by that is there something I am not dealing with in my life that could be causing this?) How do I treat this, what do I do? As you can see I have alot of questions and would sincerely appreciate any help you could send my way, Thanks Kaye