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From: uni student
Ok, so for the last yr I have been bulimic (no lectures please..) and I had my first vaso-vagal reaction (i think) to an injection within 6 weeks of becoming bulimic. I had 3 last yr, and one today (ALL due to needles) and these 4 times are the only times in my life I have ever passed out (i am 21). I am only ever out for a few sec-minutes, but I have lenghty dreams in this time and always feel a lot more alert about 5 mins after waking up than i did before... The doctor told me to get soem travel sickness med (it suppresses the parasympathetic response, increases heart rate so it wont drop etc..) and it worked once, I didnt pass out. But today I took it before and still passed out. Just wodnering if anyone else here has any eating disorders or just has reactions to needles. thanks