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From: Denise
I suffered with Vaso Vagal episodes monthly for three years......I can't tell you how many times the ambulance personnel picked me up off the floor and took me to the hospital. Until one AMAZING night....when the ambulance attendant said to my husband....does she have anaphalaxis? (That's a severe allergic reaction and can be life threatening)
Well I am thrilled to report that after being under the care of an allergist....I now have my life back. I suffered from the classic VV episodes that many of you describe..I always ended up fainting and being taken to the hospital. The allergist gave me this information
"Anaphylaxis usually includes a skin reaction plus one or more of the severe reactions - respiratory, gastrointestinal or vascular. Respiratory reactions can include throat swelling, asthma, coughing and wheezing; gastrointestinal complications produce vomiting, diarrhea and cramping; and vascular reactions result in a drop in blood pressure, light-headedness and collapse"
Because I did not have the hives or skin reactions it took so long to be diagnosed. But I had the two other reactions....vascular and gastro. It all seems so clear to me now. I am posting this with the hope that others will see an allergist and investigate this possibility. I HAVE MY LIFE BACK....and I owe it all to the allergist! I take allergy medications and see the allergist once a year now. It turned out to be a food allergy. Let me tell you I am glad to no longer be waking up on the bathroom floor or in the hospital!!!!