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From: Carol Holmes
Are my fainting episodes just vaso vagal or do I have a vascular problem? I first past out on a tred mill in 1989, age 42. I always had a dead felling in my legs after the episodes. Had a telt test in 1992 and was diagnosed with vaso vagel syncopy. My episodes were generaly caused by activity. Recenty began having problems again. These spells are preceeded by cold left hand, numb left arm, heavy legs and arms and extreme dizziness. Two days ago,I suddenly had shortness of breath, pain in the neck and a burning sensatin on left upper chest. I went to an ER and fainted in the hall. They did EKG and blood work, all were normal. CAT scan revealed somall stroke above left eye. Doctors down played this as basically so minor as to be a non-event. Since I blacked out on Feb. 5, I've had a lot of weakness in my legs and the recent event in the ER only made it worse. I tried to walk the follwing day and got dizzy and had a sharp pain in my left shoulder. I want to get back to work, but my supervisor is afraid to have me on the premices.