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From: Saintangeloh@aol.com
Dear Jenna, My heart goes out to you. You are so young and at such a wonderful time of your life to have such a heavy weight. You definately should go to a qualified therapist as soon as possible.
Cut and paste comments from this forum that relate to you what you are experiencing and take them with you. It will help when you try and explain.
It is difficult to process out what might be VV, anixety, panic or depression, or if they are all related back to the same issue.
I would encourge you to speak to them about Prozac, starting at the small 20 mg. dosage. I swear it saved my life and I do believe it settled down some of my fear. (I also did not want to leave my house). Trust that time will lesson your fear, but you need to get help.
I would also suggest that you have a physical with a complete blood panal to rule out any issues with your thyroid, which if non-functionuing, can case depression and anixety.
Most important, talk to your family and friends about what you are feeling.
Best to you.